Today's Schedule




Timeless MUCHA: Mucha to Manga ー The Magic of Line


2019.10.12(Sat) 〜 2020.1.13(Mon)

Venue: The fourth and the third floors


Exhibition Period:
12 October(Sat) – 13 January, 2020(Sun), 2019
Closed on Mondays and from 28 December 2019 to 3 January 2020
Exhibition Hours:
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. *Open until 7:30 p.m. on Fridays (Last entry is thirty minutes before each closing time)
The fourth and the third floors
Admission Fee:
Adult 1,500 yen (1,300 yen)
University Students and High School Students 1,200 yen (1,000 yen)
Junior High School Students and Elementary School Students 500 yen (300 yen)
Preschool children Admission Free
*Prices shown in ( ) indicate group (more than 20 persons) and advance discount tickets.
*Tickets are available at The Museum of Kyoto, Lawson Ticket(L-Code 59100) and ticket agencies
*Advance tickets are on sale till 11 October.
*Persons with disabilities are admitted free without accompanying person each. Please present Disabled Person’s Notebook or similar identification.


Section 1: Prologue – Inspirations for the Mucha Style
Section 2: The Art of Storytelling
Section 3: Le Style Mucha & Its Idiom
Section 4: Art Nouveau Revival & Counterculture
Section 5: The Manga Style – The Line of Beauty
Information about works of “Timeless MUCHA: Mucha to Manga – The Magic of Line”


【Evening talk and special viewing of exhibition】(in Japanese only)

Talk will be given by Ph.D.Curator, Decorative Arts with a glass of champagne and chocolate in our salon on the 7th floor. Enjoy Mucha’s artworks in the exhibition rooms after Mucha talk.

19 October 2019

 1. Door opens 4:45 p.m.
    Talk 5:00-5:30 p.m.
    Exhibition Viewing from 6:00 p.m.
 2. Door opens 5:45 p.m.
    Talk 6:00-6:30 p.m.
    Exhibition Viewing from 6:30 p.m.
The Salon(7F)
3,800yen(Including one adult ticket of this exhibition and tax)
Ticket available at The Museum of Kyoto, Lawson Ticket(L-Code 59100) and ticket agencies.

【Special Collaborating Tickets with Ryokujuan-Shimizu and Ogawa Coffee】

Ryokujuan Shimizu is one of the most famous shop of “Kompeito”, a Japanese sugar candy. This shop is making only Japanese traditional method and recipe. A ticket with Kyoho grape Kompeito in designed can.
Advance ticket/Adult 3,000yen  At the door/Adult 3,200yen


A ticket with single cup drip coffee packs in designed box
Advance ticket/Adult 2,500yen  At the door/Adult 2,700yen


Lunch Plan

Special Lunch at “Amber Court” in Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto
Mucha Lunch : 3,900yen(Including one adult ticket of this exhibition, service charge and tax)

12 October 2019 – 13 January 2020
※Mondays and from 28 December to
 3 January aren’t included.
Cafe Amber Court in Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto
11:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.


*Please settle a bill at “Amber Court” before viewing the exhibition.
 A ticket will be given.
*Picture shown is for illustration purpose only.

Mucha’s artworks-themed cocktails

12 October 2019 – 13 January 2020
※From 28 December to 3 January aren’t included.
Main Bar Darley in Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto
1,600yen each (including service charge and tax)


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